Cross Stitch, Finishes

Tiny bit of stitching

I’ve been really tired in the evenings this week, so haven’t been game to tackle my CA Wells project … instead it’s taken me three whole nights to finish off The Sampler Lady by LHN.  Now the cooler weather has started to arrive, she’s been well overdue have her blouse put on.  At one stage, though, she looked like the Venus de Milo in reverse, with only half a sleeve done. (Sorry for the bad photos – I might try to take better ones at the weekend, as I’ve taken these without much natural light coming in!)

“The Sampler Lady” by Little House Needleworks
Stitched on 32ct Lambswool linen
using recommended threads (Crescent Colours and DMC)
but I changed the thread spools by using a satin stitch
for the cotton instead of cross stitch to make it more realistic


I haven’t been online at all really this week – wish I could say I’ve been stitching my little heart out instead, but life has just gotten in the way (mainly work life).  Mind you, it was really good to spend a couple of hours last night getting The Sampler Lady finished – it was the perfect end to a long and rigorous day spent writing up training procedures for a new product being launched.

Before I started stitching, however, I spent an hour on the phone to iinet to finally get a home ADSL broadband account set up and active … no longer will I have to rely on my little mobile internet connection (I’ve been having a few dramas with the providers of late ho-hum), but once we actually get the router connected, we can have wireless internet around the flat woohoo!!! 😀

Anyway, time to head to work, so I’d better run!!  I may not get online again this weekend, as I’m earmarked the entire weekend for sitting in my stitching chair, and catching up on taped TV programmes, while stitching my heart out on CA Wells’ Cottage Etui … less than 2 weeks left to go for the class now and barely started!  Oops …

Home & Family TO BE FIXED

Socialising in sunny Sydney

What a great weekend socially, but now I need some serious recovery time as I feel very very seedy after living it up large all weekend! 😉

We had friends from Melbourne come up to visit this weekend (two girls that I became close friends with on the Hotline at work) – it was so lovely to spend time with them and catch up after not seeing them for almost 5 months. 

They arrived Saturday lunchtime and we popped across the road to have a coffee and a chat, then picked up some deli nibbles such as turkish bread, dips, artichokes and olives, salamis, pate, etc etc – we then packed up some lovely chilled white wine and headed across the road to the beach with a couple of picnic blankets and blobbed out eating, drinking and chatting for a few hours … then returned back home to sit on the balcony with yet more wine, before the girls had a beer and I had a bourbon.  Eventually we got changed and walked up the road to the local pub where we had a lovely meal and a number of Capriosca cocktails …



I didn’t feel too bad this morning apart from tired and dehyrated, but by now my head is suffering a tiny bit haha.  Thankfully the clocks went back at 3am this morning so we got an extra hour in bed … considering we didn’t get home until 1am that was a true blessing!

diana a celebration

We had a leisurely start to the morning today by having a coffee and tea with toast and fruit out on the balcony – then we took the train into the city to the Powerhouse Museum.  We went specifically to see the Diana exhibit “Diana – a Celebration”, and we loved every bit of it!  There were items from Diana’s childhood, and from her personal belongings, as well as home movie footage.  Her wedding dress, shoes, etc were on display as well as footage of the royal wedding itself – and a number of her well-known outfits that she’s worn over the years.  I do have to admit to being very choked up when reading her brother’s speech from her funeral, and seeing the ‘edited’ version with his own notes added to the page – it was interesting to see the parts of the speech that didn’t eventually get read out, and it was very moving to watch the film footage of the funeral and film clips of her life while listening to the Candle in the Wind being sung … my throat was getting a bit tender not just from the touch of laryngitis I picked up from too much drinking last night, but more from the emotions of it all.  If anyone has an interest in Diana, it is well worth the visit, and I’m so glad we made the effort to go.  Diana was such as exceptional person who touched so many lives in such a short time – it was an honour to be able to share in the celebration of her life.

I remember growing up as a young adult having a heated discussion with a high school friend of mine who was getting into journalism (and now works for a radio station here in Oz) at the time – I was angry at the paparazzi in those days climbing up trees to take photos through the windows of the Royals … my friend was of the opinion that they were in the public eye and that was alright, and that it was basically all down to the fact that people like ourselves went out to buy the magazines that provided those candid shots of the Royals, so the paparazzi were just catering to demand.  I got angry then and vowed right then and there that to prove a point I would never give a red cent to those trashy mags again … and I haven’t!  All these years later, I’m not into those magazines and will not buy them and still remember feeling strongly about that issue … and my feelings have never changed – they’re as strong today as they ever were! 

Even 10 years on, you are remembered fondly by so many people Diana – your compassionate legacy continues in the charities still being supported.

diana promo photo

After seeing the exhibit, we finished off the day by walking into Darling Harbour where we sat and had lunch (although I chose to have brekkie again with Eggs Benedict yummo), before making ourselves sick at the Lindt Chocolat Cafe for coffee and cake (perhaps that also has something to do with my late afternoon seediness as well!!!).

I’ve just returned home after dropping them off at the airport terminal for their return flight home … although it was just a flying visit, it was a wonderful visit that I enjoyed immensely – mind you my liver would be grateful if it’s not repeated again for at least another next month LOL.  In fact, I hope there are NO more Melbourne work visitors for a month, ‘cos we always end up having a big session and my poor decrepid body isn’t used to it anymore 😉

I think I’ll be having a very very early night tonight … as it is, it’s only 5pm and I can barely keep my eyes open now!!  In fact, perhaps I should just succumb to the temptation, and take a couple of Nurofen and settle in for the night 😛